FREE Literacy Articles: Attention teachers, librarians, principals and reading specialists!

Matthew has a collection of free literacy articles and lesson plans to help schools prepare for Matthew’s author visits.

The piece titled 5 MORE Tips… may be re-printed in local newspapers that will send photographers to your event. Often, they run this checklist for parents beside a photo of Matthew interacting with kids.)

Articles for general use by schools:

English Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers

5 MORE Tips to Raise a Lifetime Reader

Tips for Author Visits

Boosting Attendance to Family Literacy Nights at School

Plan Your Event

As a musician, publisher, and award-winning author, Matthew Gollub celebrates reading for FUN. He combines humor, practical insights, storytelling, and drumming to thoroughly engage listeners of all backgrounds and ages. Each year, Matthew speaks at over 60 schools and education events around the U.S. and abroad. For more information about his keynote addresses, bilingual workshops, and singular school assemblies for grades pre-k through 8th grades, please click on a link below.

For more about Matthew’s author assemblies and bilingual family literacy events, please contact Matthew here, or call him toll free at (866) 4 TORTUGA.

Links to recent news articles about Matthew Gollub speaking events: