Teaching parents about the benefits of reading aloud to their children at home? Show them this fun video!
(Ideal for Spanish speakers)
Teachers, librarians, parents and caregivers all play important roles as “Educators”! So first off, thank you, Educators, for all you do to cultivate the love of books and reading. Electronic media has its place. But even in this age of A.I., it still can’t compare with the human-to-human educational value of simply reading aloud with kids!
And we don’t need to stop once children can read. Try taking turns reading aloud with older kids–a paragraph, a page, or a whole chapter at a time. Not reading the same book as your tween or adolescent? Try reading quietly side by side. The gift of reading together is also an “investment” that accumulates powerful benefits over time–much stronger vocabulary, a longer attention span, emotional closeness to you to name a few!
Ok, I admit I’m pretty passionate about reading, so much so that I wrote a whole book about it: Give the Gift! 10 Fulfilling Ways to Raise a Lifetime Reader. (Don’t worry! It’s concise, just a 32-page picture book intended for busy parents and families. But it punches above its weight in terms of useful ideas and insights.)
Lots more reading and learning resources below!
“Thank you again for making reading fun, exciting and special to so many children and helping teachers and parents pass along your enthusiasm and ideas.”
–Sandy Lattemore, Library assistant, Richvale School, Richvale, CA