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Title One Programs are eligible to order our popular book collections at special discounts! These books and books with audio CD have garnered 25 national awards and distinctions. To access the Title One order form, please click on the PDF below. When printing the order form, please note that it consists of two legal sized (14” x 8.5”) pages.
Make the most of your materials budget with books, music, and literacy tools that RESONATE with the families you serve. Our books are ideal for ages 4-12. They’ve won 25 national awards and have sold in the hundreds of thousands. The following discounts for our exclusive collections reflect our commitment to inviting all families to read. Please indicate desired quantities
of each set. Orders may be faxed or mailed to Tortuga Press. A/R quizzes available. Slide shows
and audio clips at www.tortugapress.com.
Click here for Title One Order Form: Click to view and download the form
To make book distributions even more exciting, consider inviting Matthew Gollub to your school or reading conference. An award winning author and professional speaker, Matthew delights audiences nationwide with his mix of drumming, slides and storytelling in three languages English, Spanish and Japanese. He has performed at over 1,000 schools where teachers describe his mix of talents as “unbelievably dynamic.” He specializes in author assemblies for grades pre-K through 8th and bilingual family reading presentations at night. For more information, please visit www.matthewgollub.com or email mg@matthewgollub.com.